Bethesda Baptist Church
Welcome to the online home of Bethesda Baptist Church, meeting in Morayfield, Queensland, Australia.
Our invitation to you...

Bethesda Baptist Church is a Christ-centred, family-orientated church where God's Word is honoured and honestly spoken. It is a place where one can find answers to life issues that we all face.
Here the believer may be strengthened in the faith, and those who do not yet know Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour may find Him, along with the joy and peace He desires all to have.
We also trust that you will find in us a friendly and helpful Church, with people who will make you feel welcome. We trust God will bless and give you something from His Word to help meet a need in your life.
We invite you to come worship and serve the Lord together with us. If you would like directions or would like to talk with the Pastor or someone from the church, please ring 07 3293 0064.
Pastor Rick Carr
PO Box 1207
Morayfield, QLD 4506

Worship Times
Morning Tea • 9:40 AM
Morning Worship • 10:00 AM
Sunday Evening Service • 5:00 PM
(Note: There is no evening service on the last Sunday of each month
due to church luncheon)
Bible Study • 7:00 pm
All services are held at Morayfield East Primary School at the corner of
Graham Road and Glenwood Drive
Morayfield, Queensland 4506
Click the map for interactive directions

Click the calendar for a schedule of events

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